Egypt's Renewable Energy Revolution

Posted on 22nd April 2024

Egypt is making significant strides in renewable energy, aiming to become a leading nation in the transition to greener energy sources within the MENA region. By harnessing the power of hydropower, solar, and wind energy, Egypt is paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Egypt's Renewable Energy Revolution

As of 2022, the country made impressive progress, reaching a total renewable energy capacity of 6,322 MW. Hydropower stands as a cornerstone of Egypt's energy strategy, with a robust capacity of 2,832 MW. The historic Aswan High Dam symbolises Egypt's experience in harnessing water resources for power generation, significantly contributing to the national grid.

Solar energy in Egypt has also experienced a remarkable upsurge, with capacity reaching 1,724 MW. Leveraging its geographical advantage of more than 2,000 kWh/(m² year) of solar irradiance, Egypt is an ideal region for both photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) projects.

Wind energy is another sector where Egypt is making notable advances, with a capacity of 1,643 MW. The high average wind speeds along the Gulf of Suez make it an optimal location for establishing wind farms, further diversifying Egypt's renewable energy portfolio.

The Egyptian government has set ambitious targets to source 42% of its electricity from renewable resources by 2035. In the fiscal year 2023-2024 alone, Egypt plans to invest US $2.6 billion in renewable energt projects, increasing the sector's contribution in the country's energy mix to 11.8 %.

Egypt's commitment to renewable energy is a strategic move towards sustainability, aiming to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and minimise environmental impact. The progress in Egypt's renewable energy sector is a beacon of hope for environmental sustainability and energy security in the MENA region and beyond.


Annual Review 2022
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