Southeast Asia's Renewable Revolution

Posted on 18th March 2024

The Southeast Asian region faces significant challenges amid a global energy crisis, given its status as the world's fourth-largest energy consumer, and with fossil fuels currently comprising 83% of its energy mix. However, this dependency presents a unique opportunity for change.

Southeast Asia's Renewable Revolution

One notable example of this change is the progress Southeast Asia has made in adopting solar and wind energy. With a 20% increase in solar and wind capacity, alongside substantial hydropower resources, the region is moving closer to its renewable energy capacity target of 35% by 2025. This progress is supported by government policies, investment incentives, and technological advancements making solar and wind projects more feasible and cost-effective.

Additionally, Southeast Asia has seen the establishment of its first tidal energy plant, located on Capul Island, Philippines. This project, a collaboration between various entities, utilises tidal stream technology to harness marine currents for energy production. Expected to deploy a 1MW capacity plant by late 2025, this initiative aims to provide sustainable energy while reducing the region's carbon footprint and ensuring a consistent power supply.

Furthermore, floating solar PV (FPV) systems are emerging as a solution to the region's land scarcity issue. By deploying these systems on water bodies, Southeast Asia aims to reduce water evaporation and increase energy generation efficiency. The region is set to add 300MW of FPV capacity by early 2024, with projects such as the planned 3GW FPV project on the Philippines' Laguna Lake showcasing the potential for large-scale renewable energy projects.

Southeast Asia's journey towards renewable energy adoption faces challenges but also opportunities. The progress in tidal energy, FPV, and the expansion of solar and wind power signifies a shift away from fossil fuels, contributing to sustainable development. As Southeast Asia continues its energy transition, the path towards a greener and more resilient future becomes increasingly tangible.


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